
I am a multidisciplinary designer, and I also own a restaurant.

Pho Ever is a Vietnamese fast-casual establishment that I opened at the height of 2020's pandemic with my 9-5 savings and successfully profit within two months.

I stand for cultivating a growth-incentive work environment. Henceforth my staff retention rate has been 100% going into year two, amidst the current time's labor shortage. Besides being a people person, I have an intimate relationship with creating and managing procedural pipelines to multiply growth exponentially.

This restaurant project's success is a testament to the multitude of skills I've honed from my diverse background in visual effects, design & event planning.

Now that I have a hands-off passive income, I'm looking for opportunities to deepen my zest for community and innovation.

My side passion projects are TalkREZO and Caviata.
